The joint in-person meeting of the 19th International Bat Research Conference (IBRC) and the 50th Annual Symposium of the North American Society for Bat Research (NASBR) will be held on 7 to 12 August 2022 in Austin, Texas, USA. The purpose of this 5-day professional joint meeting is to share recent advances in bat research and conservation, enhance the professional networks of bat researchers, consultants, and conservationists, and promote the professional development of students and early career researchers. This is achieved through a combination of plenary talks, symposia, contributed talk and poster sessions, workshops and networking events. The IBRC meeting is held every three years. Previous conferences have been in Thailand (2019), South Africa (2016), Costa Rica (2013), Czech Republic (2010), Mexico (2007), Poland (2004), and Malaysia (2001). The last time the IBRC was in the US was 1995. The Annual Symposium of NASBR has been a centerpiece for bat research in North America for the past fifty years. The meeting has been cancelled for the last two years because of COVID-19, and the membership is excited to come together again and interact with friends from around the world.