On December 16th and 17th, 2022, a new edition of the Christmas Bat Count will be held, an activity coordinated by the Costa Rican Bats Conservation Program. Each year more and more countries in Latin America and the Caribbean are joining this great project that began 10 years ago in Costa Rica, and it has been so successful in Mexico and Central America. This year we will have the participation of Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, Cuba, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Brazil and Argentina. In addition, this year the invitation was extended to African and Asian countries.
The aims of this event are: 1) Update the list of species in each country; 2) Encourage research and conservation in university students and other people interested in the study of bats; and 3) Generate a positive perception about bats by raising awareness about the benefits they provide to both, humans and the environment.
During the Christmas Bat Count, a variety of methods are implemented to record the largest possible number of species: mist nets, harp traps, search for roosting sites and acoustics detectors. In addition, community science activities are held on the fascinating world of bats and their importance in ecosystems.
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